ATC Group – A member of GGI – ATC Pro Training

ATC Group – A member of GGI

ATC Group – A member of Geneva Group International (GGI)

ATC Group provides a wide range of tax services and consultations locally and internationally. We are one of the most reputable professional firms in Egypt with a long track of successful achievements for satisfactorily tax disputes settlements. ATC comprises high profile professional experts in all types of Egyptian taxes as well as Zakat. One of our enduring competitive advantages is specialization. We have competitive teams working separately on each type of tax, gaining valuable specialized experience in all relevant laws, inspection procedures and dispute resolving procedures for each specific type of tax.

In addition to tax services and consultations, ATC Group provides statutory audit services, accounting services as well as management consultancy services. As part of its management consultancy, ATC Group provides outsourced Internal Audit Services, developing and improving internal controls, accounting as well as costing systems. For more than 20 years, ATC Group has been delivering high value addedservices capitalizing on its diversified teams of highprofile professional in taxation, auditing and accounting. ATC Staff exceeds 650 professionals including , CIA, MBA, Phd and DBA holders.

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