Blog – ATC Pro Training


Digital Education at ATC Pro Training

The ever-advancing technology has dramatically changed the possibilities and methodologies for training and education. Huge boundaries and obstacles have been removed. Nowadays, there are a variety of highly efficient digital tools for both the teacher and the learner. Digital Education is the now the term used for all online educational practices.
Tremendous benefits emerge from pursuing online training and education. The following are just a few from the high potential benefits of online or digital education:

You can design your own course schedule if you chose e-learning. Whenever, you have time and mode you can start your e-learning session. Of course, you can repeat the session as much as you need till you are satisfied.


E-learning modules are prepared in a special way to guarantee convenience for different types of candidates and to be of the highest quality regarding filming, sound and content. Moreover, videos are prepared in away that you will find them interesting and attracting.


You do not have to pay for transportation, fuel, parking and any other cost of moving. In addition, in general you find direct cost of online learning cheaper than in class counterparts.

Interaction with instructor

You will be able to communicate and interact with the instructor much more than within in-class session. You can communicate through direct call, whatsap and e-mail. This gives you more opportunities than being with instructor for only the time of the lecture where he/she is involved with all candidates and not only available for you.

Online testing

The online quizzes and tests are really great tools to assess your self and stand on areas of improvements. You can take the quiz several times where you get the results immediately after finishing the quiz. Moreover, you get a detailed report with each wrong answer and full explanation for the correct answer. You need not to worry about the permanently marked questions or the distorting write ups on the paper versions.

Mobile version

You can study, take quizzes and interact with your colleagues and your instructor using your mobile any time and any where.

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